Flow is referred to as a psychological state where a person is fully focused and feels that the time passes quickly. They feel an ideal balance between their skills and challenges.
Similarly, the artwork Voog (Flow) offers opportunities for immersion to the viewer and invites one to be in the moment, being elusive and reflective in itself. Befitting a school with a technical focus, the artwork is also technically diverse, tricky and shifting.
Voog is composed of various glass materials and layers, which reflect and allow one to see through, but also reflect among themselves and, when viewed from different angles, change each other's properties. The artwork uses reflective and glossy surfaces, but contrasts the coldness of glass with warm natural tones. The impression is futuristic and forward-looking.
We are accustomed to thinking of the future as an artificial world that is cold, sharp, and unfriendly, forgetting that the utopia of the future can be what we create ourselves.
Graphically, the image resembles microcircuit. The strict forms of the image contrast with the organic graphics depicted in the details.
Vooks nimetatakse psühholoogilist seisundit, kus inimene on täielikult keskendunud ning tunneb, et aeg möödub kiiresti. Oskuste ja väljakutse vahel valitseb ideaalne tasakaal.
Ka teos Voog pakub vaatajale süvenemisvõimalusi ning kutsub hetkes olema, olles ise tabamatu ja peegeldav. Tehnilise kallakuga koolile sobilikult on ka kunstiteos tehniliselt mitmekesine, trikitav ja muutlik.
Voog koosneb paljudest erinevatest klaasmaterjalidest ja kihistustest, mis peegeldavad ja lubavad läbi vaadata, kuid ka peegeldavad omavahel ning läbi paistes muudavad üksteise omadusi. Teoses kasutatakse peegeldavaid-läikivaid klaase, aga klaasi külmusele vastanduvad soojad loodustoonid. Mulje on ulmeline ja tulevikku vaatav.
Oleme harjunud mõtlema tulevikust kui tehismaailmast, mis on külm, terav ja ebasõbralik. Unustades, et tuleviku utoopia võib olla selline, nagu me selle ise loome.
Graafiliselt meenutab kujutis pigem mikroskeemi. Kujundi rangetele vormidele vastandub detailidel kujutatud orgaaniline graafika.
Customer: Ministery of Education and Research, Mustamäe Riigigümnaasium
Photos: Karel Koplimets