EAMT Concert Hall
At its best, music is acquired as the mother tongue is — organically, at many levels simultaneously, and with the contributions of many users.
The Concert Hall could be a place where an understanding of the language of music becomes evident during the actual event of communication; it develops as variations of rich and colorful speech are heard. Initially you understand the overarching theme, then you become aware of a point, and finally you have a fuller sense of where all the small details fit in the larger scheme of things.
Parimal juhul õpitakse muusikat nagu emakeelt – suhtluse käigus ning erineva taseme ning sõnavaraga oskajatelt.
Kontserdimaja võiks olla koht, kus igaüks tunneb, et suhtluse käigus hakkab ta mõistma muusika keelt, ta areneb, kuna kuuleb rikast ja värvikat kõnet. Esmalt tabab ta teemat, hoomab jutu mõtet ning lõpuks teab, kuhu asetuvad peened detailid suuremas süsteemis.
Customer: Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT)
Photos: Terje Ugandi