I am intrigued by beauty — both in the meaning of aesthetics and kindness.
Is practising aesthetics that is free from politics, a form of escapism or self-care? Is cultivating your own garden an egoistic or deeply responsible activity? I take care of myself and my garden in order to be well, but also for the reason that others would enjoy the beauty of it and find inspiration, seeds and refuge there. Also for the reason that the weed growing in my garden wouldn't invade the neighbour's territory.
I enjoy working with various delightful views. Observing the new world opening behind the freshly polished surfaces. What will happen when light falls and reflects on this world? What will happen if it transforms into something larger? How do a small original and its large copy relate to each other? How much does a detail tell about its whole?
Small glass objects and large lenticular images of the same objects.
73 x 94 cm and 81 x 81 cm (lenticulars)
about 7 x 5 x 3 cm (glass objects)
2019 CLOSET OISTRICH, Hop Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
2019 ATTACHED (with T. Sarapu), Pärnu City Gallery Artists House, Pärnu, Estonia
2020 CLEAR SPACE. VITRUM FESTIVAL 2020 Kaunas District Museum, Kaunas, Lithuania
Mind huvitab ilu — nii esteetika kui headuse tähenduses.
Kas poliitikavaba esteetikaga tegelemine on eskapism või enda eest hoolitsemine? Kas oma aia harimine on egoistlik tegevus või sügavalt vastutustundlik? Ma hoolitsen enda ja oma aia eest, et mul hästi oleks, aga ka selle pärast, et keegi teine võiks nautida minu aia ilu, saada sealt inspiratsiooni, seemet ja varjupaika. Ja et minu umbrohi ei roniks naabri aeda.
Mulle meeldib tegeleda erinevate hõrkude vaadetega. Näha, kuidas tuhmi pinna tagant pärast läike andmist uus maailm vastu vaatab. Mis juhtub, kui valgus sinna langeb, sealt peegeldub? Mis juhtub, kui see võimendub? Kuidas suhtlevad väike originaal ja tema suur koopia? Ning kui palju räägib detail tervikust?
Väikesed klaasobjektid ning suured lentikulaarpildid samadest esemetest.
73 x 94 cm ja 81 x 81 cm (lentikulaarpildid)
umbes 7 x 5 x 3 cm (klaasobjektid)